Yesterday I blogged about my coffee addiction, and talked about my love for my pumpkin spice creamer (seasonal damnit). One of my friends in the States told me she was going to get me some creamer and send it to me since the creamer in the commissary here consists of French Vanilla, Caramel Vanilla, Hazelnut, and some nasty chocolate creamer that makes the room stink of tootsie rolls.
There are things that I could get Stateside that I cannot get here, like certain creamers, spices, IHOP... Oh , how I miss IHOP... so my friend Sarah is sending me creamer, my father and a friend of his are sending me the spices I love so much, but there are things I am curious about in other countries that I am oblivious to!

If you left your home country, what is something that you would miss so much that you would ask for it to be sent to you? My kids asked for Slurpees...
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What would I miss? WOW that is a good question?? I guess it would depend on the country and what was available to eat, drink, watch on TV/movies, etc... What country are you in?
I am in Germany Carrie :)
Do they have Dr.pepper? Did you know they make pumpkin spice hot tea? Saw that on clearance cart and thought of you
There is Dr. Pepper at the commissary, just not in the German stores (that I have seen). Never heard of the tea... wonder how that is?
Big Red soda...but while we were in Germany I loved being there and would not trade the experience for anything. Have fun! how long will you be there? I am a new follower.
We will be here for 2 more years :)
Been through this myself. When I first arrived the only two things that I recognised in the supermarket were bake beans and corned beef! Things have improved hugely or I've adapted. It's just occured to me now that when I go home for a visit I don't load my suitcase up with so many 'must have's' anymore. Things I always try to bring back with me are:
Shampoo for blonde hair (pathetic I know)with the purple tint to stop brassiness.
Chewing gum!!!!!!!
and ridiculous things that they don't have here, but we might need urgently one day.... ready?....
shampoo for head lice and comb!
Never been used - but we are prepared, lol
When my mother visits though she brings so much stuff to see her through you'd think we lived in the darkest deepest jungle!
Girl Scout Cookies! I could not make it through March without them.
I would miss the water. Years ago I traveled to India and I remember the salt water that everyone drank. I had a very hard time getting used to that.
Ice... I visited Hong Kong and Indonesia once, and though they did have ice (sort of), it wasn't easy to find any. Apparently they're not really into ice or cold stuff in general..
Interesting topic and question..
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