No I do NOT take the pills prescribed to me to help me sleep and the wine together, ever. That would be just stupid! The pills are actually an antidepressant and they are also prescribed for anxiety, but it was prescribed to me for sleep because they knock me on my ASS! I do not take them every night, and take them only when I cannot sleep. Actually I still have pills left from the last deployment!
Now that I have covered that, I feel I should cover my addiction. Yes people I am addict. The scientific name for it is 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine, Methyltheobromine, 7-methyltheophylline. Formula: C8H10N4O2.... yes people I am addicted to caffeine. I have to have my coffee in the morning, at least two to three cups. If I don't then by 10 or 11 in the morning I have THE WORST HEADACHE EVER!!!
It is a real thing people. I have experienced it twice since arriving here in Germany. The first time I was on post shopping, I had been so busy I forgot *GASP!* to get coffee in the morning, basically because I got up running and never had time to make coffee. My head started hurting so bad, I went and bought Excedrin migraine, and it did not help... I could not figure out why my head hurt so bad until....
I went immediately to the Java Cafe (like Starbucks) and ordered a Venti Cafe Mocha! My headache went away almost immediately. Same thing happened in Paris. We left Baumholder at around 2 in the morning, and I never had coffee. This time it was about one or 2 in the afternoon before I was about ready to crumple in a ball and die... I was lucky enough to find a Starbucks somewhere in Paris (oh I was sooo happy), ordered my mocha, and went on about my day headache free.
Me and the three kids in Paris. The hubby could not go since he was off training somewhere. If I waited for him we would never see anything. The kids were really tired at this point, the oldest was good though, at least he could muster up a smile!
Right now I am drinking my coffee with my pumpkin spiced creamer (mmm... heaven). I love coffee, I really do. The only other addiction I have is smoking cigarettes. I need to smoke at LEAST once every 2-4 hours otherwise my jaw becomes clenched, I get anxious, and I get HIGHLY irritable. So, on that note, I am going to go have ANOTHER cup of coffee, and go have a smoke ( I smoke outside).
Breakfast of champions
On an unrelated note, tomorrow I will be doing my first photo shoot with people. My friend has asked me to take some pictures of her and her husband before her husband deploys. With her permission I will post some of the pictures in a blog tomorrow. Stay tuned!
LOL- Hi my name is Amanda & I am a coffee drinker, at least 3 cups a day. I am drinking my Pumpkin Spice Dunkin Doughnuts flavored wt the moment as I read Blog updates.It is the only caffeine I have all day, & I really am not going to give it up!
YAY- for hot delicious coffee!! W/out deployment would kick my Butt!
I love coffee! Right now I'm drinking a lovely robust coffee roasted in the Florida keys. It's delightful! Also, I haven't seen a pack of Pall Malls in decades! My grandmother called them "Pell Mells".
Is this a CAA meeting? (caffeine addicts anonymous) If so, I'll bring the coffee next time. Come try this new coffee with me. Just brewed the first pot. It's Don Fransisco's Hawaiian Hazelnut. It's pretty good.
I'm not a massive coffee drinker (though I do love a Starbucks latte - no foam, the sugar gets stuck in the foam!!) - But I get similar headaches due to huge gallons (I'm sure literally) of Diet Coke
I too, love my coffee.....I like it with real cream only. Visiting you here from The Redhead Riter's Community!
Let me just tell you something....
In 2009 I quit smoking, quit caffeine and quit sugar.
Caffeine was WITHOUT a doubt the hardest to quit and I only stayed off it about six months. Same with sugar. But I never started smoking again.
have a great weekend :)
Wow, yes I've actually heard of caffeine addictions. The funny thing is that just a couple of days ago I was wondering about why I've developed these horrible headaches, only to find that they're relieved by drinking coffee. It's actually not my favorite drink, but seems the only way to relieve headaches now.
Great to see your post about it, and what awesome pics of Paris and your kiddos! I've never been there, but it looks beautiful.
Looking forward to the (possibly) coming photos!
Great post. I suffer similarly. The headaches are awful. I'm trying to strike a balance by drinking a glass of water for every cup of coffee. Good luck.
Holy crap the world ends if there is no coffee here! I don't sleep but 4 hours tops so get the heck out of my way till I have had two cups. Then I morph back into human form again.
I go from the bed to the coffee pot. Everyday of my life. On vacation, the coffee and cream is at the top of the 'don't forget' list :-)
I'm not big on coffee. Once i had to pull an all-nighter to do research and had two cups of coffee and i was all shaky. I was awake for almost 2 days! Now im a lil scared of coffee now *hehe*
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