#10. Poor Grammar/Spelling- It drives me insane to see something someone has written and it is full of spelling errors, using the wrong words (their/there/they're- you know what I mean), using words out of context, or text speak. It seriously makes my head want to implode.
#9. Ignorance- I love a good debate/discussion. But if you are unwilling to listen and discuss, if you are unwilling to learn, if you cannot be as open minded as I am then don't even TRY to have an intellectual conversation with me. Please...
#8. Whining- from my children, from my husband, even from myself. If I hear myself whining I piss myself off. I do not like being weak. Whining is weak... which brings me right to #7...

#7. Helplessness- I cannot stand it when a person is or acts completely helpless. It REALLY pisses me off when it is an Army wife. Why? Because you are going to spend the majority of your time alone and you have no one to depend on but yourself. So stop acting like a little girl, put your big girl panties on, and LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF!
#6. Backstabbing (being two faced)- OK... I am not going to pretend to like you if I do not like you. If I have not made up my mind yet I will be nice, but if I do not like you I do not fake it. I will just pretend you do not exist. So... if you have a problem with me tell me about it or remove yourself from my life. Backstabbing and being two faced only causes pet peeve #5...
#5. DRAMA- Don't, just... don't. If you are out of high school, just don't go there.
#4. Know-it-all's- Look, no one knows everything about everything. And even if you do no one wants to hear it.
#3. Certain Army Wives- Sorry, I HAVE to add this in here. There are wives I cannot stand to be around, ever. The ones that wear their husbands rank (they earned that rank, not you). The ones that have a pity party about their husband being deployed (HELLO! ALL of our husbands are or will be soon) for the WHOLE YEAR! The ones that make it a competition about how often their spouses call/write while deployed.
I swear to you I had a wife call me last deployment freaking out because her husband had not called her. I asked when the last time she heard from him was.

REALLY?? OMG!!! She then went on to tell me (after I told her I was lucky if I heard from my hubby once every two weeks) how her husband called her everyday, and since he did not call her that day she just KNEW something was wrong!!!
*cough* moving on... my rant about Army wives could be a WHOLE new blog, so no... not going there...
#2. One Uppers- You know these types. The people that no matter what you have done they have done it bigger and better. Stop... just ..... Stop. Sooner or later if you continue to one up, everyone around you just starts to fantasize about bashing you over the head with a baseball bat. Just me? Ok then....
Wow! I couldn't have said it better! Only I would probably have a #11. People who think loud = right. Those that think if they can scream their point over anything you have to add to an argument, then they have won.
I agree Dawna! It reminds me of the Family Guy episode segment here
Hmm I can't stand people who are pretentious, also people who are really patronising.
Am impressed with your blog Laura. I find myself reading it every time you update. Perhaps writing could be one of your talents :)
Debbie xx
Hi Laura, I hadn't noticed your post when I joined your discussion on this yesterday (I'm such an amateur at this game).
I loved your #3. I'm not an army wife, but I am an expat wife and that too is a whole new breed. Wives who move with their husband's job, huge financial packages, big houses etc etc and totally reinvent themselves. Until somebody who knows somebody who knows that person and that expat wife is found out that she is in fact Claire and not Clarissa as she had introduced herself with very many airs and graces. True story, and there are so many more like it. I hasten to add that I am in fact very much a ‘normal’ expat wife – lol!!!
Love that! Mine would be closely in the same order.
Mine would be 1 then 6 would be 2 and 8 would be 3 LOL but all the same ones u have there.
Sending you Big old Stateside Italia love
Hi Laura! It seems as though we may have a lot of the same personality traits. First let me say I understand about the "military" pet peeves". I was a military wife back in the 70's. Back then we didn't have e-mail. It took about 2 weeks to get letters from overseas. (My exhusband was in Korea for a year straight. No leave time. no calling home. I got a letter about every two weeks or so. When state-side, he was TDY quite a bit for months at a time, and no, I didn't get phone calls on a regular basis. I think I got one phone call in 3 months, but that was his choice. (He spent all his off time at the NCO club while gone). It takes a SPECIAL kind of woman to be able to handle military life. I spent almost 7 years. I really didn't mind moving around stateside, it was his attitude that finally did us in. Granted, back then the military "motto was "if the Army wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one", but a lot was his doing also, so I won't blame the military for all of it. I do understand about the "ranking wives also". Anyway, that was many years ago and now I have other pet peeves, like rudeness. I believe when someone says they'll do something for someone, they should do their best to do it and if unable to, should at least have the common courtesy to call and let the other person know, instead of leaving them hanging. I don't like inviting people for dinner and them inviting others to come with them. That's just rude. I also have a pet peeve about grammar. I had straight A's in high school in English grammar and lit. I married a "country boy" this time around and he knows it "gets my goat" when he says "winnders and minners, maters and taters", but he thinks it hilarious to see me cringe. He knows how to speak, he just thinks he's funny. Another peeve is to get somewhere "right on time". I'm one who likes to get places at least 10 minutes early. My hubby however leaves early enough to get there (if I was driving) but he drives like a 90 year old man on the shoulder of the road with people passing him like he's sitting still! LOL! Needless to say we get where we're going either right on time or a few minutes late. That drives me crazy, but he won't let me drive with him in the car. ( I won't put up with his backseat driving).
By the way, GREAT POST!
God Bless,
Haha, these are great! I agree with everything (except I am often guilty of text writing). One of my pet peeves is when my boyfriend doesn't follow through on something he promises. "I'll clean the bathroom while you're gone" is one. Then when it isn't done, he wants me to be sympathetic and understanding 'cuz he has a headache. or something. I call him on it every time too, I tell him that he is the King of Empty Promises. The funniest part is that he volunteers all of his empty promises! I don't ask for them! My guy is such a sweetie too, I just find the non follow through to be so offensive.
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