When my husband was deployed to Iraq I discovered that I could not sleep very well/at all. I turned to drinking a bottle of wine every night just to get some shut eye, but how healthy is that? How pathetic is it that I was drinking alone every night for 3 months?
Not me... but it is how I felt, lol! |
I went to the doctor to get a refill on a medication for my blood sugar, and he asked me how I was sleeping. I literally laughed in his face. He said he was going to prescribe me something to help me sleep at night. It worked like a charm, and eventually I was able to start sleeping at night without the aid of medication. It still took me 6 months before I could sleep in our bedroom...
So with another deployment coming up very soon I decided I should go to the doctor beforehand to get the medication to help me sleep. I am also stocking up on wine, but I keep drinking my supply...

I have never slept well, really. I have sleep paralysis and sometimes it scares me so bad, that I only sleep after I pass out from exhaustion. I was given sleeping meds once, but they worked so well that the doctor decided they were actually dangerous for me to take.
Anyway, I actually enjoy the quiet time at night. It lets me catch up on things I enjoy doing.
I used to pull out old college books to help me sleep. They were wonderful at helping me sleep.
Stopping from Mom Loop!
I read at night before bed and usually a few chapters in I can't keep my eyes open and then I am off. Sometimes it backfires and I stay up way too late not realizing the time. Stopping in from Mom Loop today too!
Ugh, it is miserable not being able to sleep. I go through that every couple of weeks, no fun. Good for you though for being proactive! Visiting from The Chatty Mommy :)
Stopping in from blogfrog! Lately I haven't had a problem sleeping...I'm snoring before my head hits the pillow! My poor husband! LOL
I am not a great sleeper, without stress... My husband (now) is safe and home every night but my son went into the Army this past summer and is gearing up for deployment... Let's stay in touch because i may need good wine/medication suggestions so that my lack of sleep induced insanity doesn't sent my husband away...
I hope you're able to get some sleep and not stress too much!
Actually, I do want to read about the highlight of your day being that you went to get sleeping pills. As for your pills and the wine...I sure hope you're not using BOTH at the same time?
If the pills work, that's great..they don't help me much.
Stopping by from Red's BF Community. I can totally relate. I have had trouble sleeping for a few years now. Glad you found something that helps. Thank you to your husband for his service.
I have insomnia for different reasons.
Whilst we here in Singapore think that we've got it bad enough because our husbands go away all the time with work to other countries, it's for a short time only. When I read your post it made me feel so ashamed that I moan so much when wives like yourselves have your husbands in Iraq fighting for our safety. Wow, it made me sit up and smell the roses. It must be hugely worrying, you probably do need the meds before he goes. Though with me, sometimes the meds only work for a short time, so they may do for you and after he's gone you'll be back in the same place.
It's very interetesting reading about army wives and life in Germany.
Hope you get the right meds for you.
Thank your husband for his service!
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