There are the: "You don't need to lose weight! There is just more of you to love!" people. Uhhh, yeah... thanks but no thanks. If I cannot even love myself when I look in the mirror and see bulges here, and flab there, how is anyone else going to love me? If I look in the mirror and feel sick then I need to lose weight.
The people that give you dieting advice that are overweight and not losing weight. Uh, thanks... I can see how well that is working for you! Someone offered to lend me a book for a diet "that really works!!!". Thank you, but the diet I have been sticking to has helped me to lose about 21 lbs so far, and I am going to stick to it.
The people that are fit as HELL and telling you what you need to do. Sorry, but I do not take to kindly to people who have never had a weight issue in their LIFE telling me what I should do. This is especially true when they tell me exercises that I should be doing as well that I KNOW I physically cannot do right now (maybe ever?). I have horribly bad knees, even being on the elliptical or a stationary bike can hurt my knee beyond belief (the one I had surgery on in November). So, no... I cannot do squats or lunges... if I do I will fall or not be able to get back up. Or how about the overweight doctors telling you that you need to lose weight? Uh, what?
The people that excitedly ask you how you are doing it and you tell them they seem disappointed. I am sorry if you thought I was taking some magic pill or using some miracle diet that allowed me to shed this weight in days. I have been working hard at it. If you want to lose weight too, you will need to do the same. Also, when you ask me and I tell you how you can do it too (like cutting out sodas or cutting WAY back- like 1 a day or 1 every few days and drinking water instead) don't get upset with me. One person I know told me "I only drink diet sodas, I cannot drink water... ewww... but I drink like 10-15 diet sodas a day." OMG! The amount of sodium in those sodas ALONE will keep you from losing weight! She also told me she only ate once a day (dinner). This is also very bad. You cannot starve yourself otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and store everything that you eat into fat. You HAVE to eat breakfast everyday, it helps to kick start your metabolism for the day! I told her this and she blew me off. Oh well... you continue your fruitless efforts and I will continue shedding this weight.
Finally there are those that are supportive and excited for your weight loss. They cheer you on every step of the way and help give you the motivation to carry on. Luckily for me those kind of people are more plentiful in my life and I thank all of you for that. It helps me more than you could ever know (you know who you are).
So here I am, 21 lbs lighter in total than when I first started my weight loss journey. Once I am done I will post a picture, but I will not say what my goal is right now... because right now my goal is 1lb at a time (and a few pairs of jeans in a box in my closet). I know just as I did not gain this weight overnight, I will not lose it overnight either.
On a final note, I will leave you with a pet peeve. Thin girls complaining that they are fat or need to lose weight. Really? FROM FUCKING WHERE??? Do us all fat chicks a favor and shut the fuck up and eat a donut! No fat chick wants to look at some skinny bitch complaining about how fat she is, it only makes us want to bitch slap you into next week!
Yeah, I am SOOOO sure she is having a hard time buttoning those jeans. Bitch. |