Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just breathe...

I was going to write about a dumb ass soldier today over an incident that happened yesterday, but I believe it is best to not discuss it here... instead I am going to write about how I felt when I got up this morning.

My husband is deploying soon and I mean SOON. I got up this morning feeling sad, scared... at first I did not know why, but now I believe it has to do with the incident yesterday. Without going into details, I will just say that one of my husbands soldiers was completely disrespectful to my husband, and then when my husband and the Lieutenant (LT) went in to have a chat with this soldier he told my husband and the LT to fuck off and walked away from them. The soldier was mad because he was not getting his way, he was not going to be allowed to do what he wanted, and everything he tried to do to get his way leading up to that point failed miserably. Let me say I know what was going on because I played a part in finding an alternative solution for this kid.

Now I am here thinking I understand this kid was upset, but that gives him no right as a SOLDIER to disrespect an NCO and an officer! It makes me worry about how he will be downrange, will he try something stupid towards my husband when he has a weapon in his hands? My husband has said he is more scared of this deployment than any other one he has been on before... he is not the only one that feels this way because many others have told me the same. How scary is it that the majority of the guys feel like no one has their back when they go downrange? How sad is it that the wives feel the same? We ALL should have confidence in the soldiers that are deploying with our loved ones to protect eachother and be united like a family.... I do not have this confidence when I see someone throwing a temper tantrum because they are not getting their way.

It is taking all I have not to go down there myself to figuratively try to smack some sense into this kid (I say kid because he is just a few months older than my oldest). I am so pissed because of how he is acting, the things he said to my husband, and how he treated my husband and the LT. I guess I will have to settle for the counseling statement being done and my ass staying out of it. I am just so angry and scared...

I am going to take a break from blogging for a few days in order to spend quality time with my husband before he leaves. I will be back in a few days, I might be blogging drunk, but I will be blogging.


alejandro guzman said...

All the best to your husband and yourself. Where has te camaraderie gone?

Cheers A

Angel Eyes said...

This is most difficult, I will pray for your husband and his safe return to you. Please know that you have a community here with us to help you. Please feel free to contact me if you need to vent!

HUGZ - Lisa

Michelle said...

I hear ya! I cant believe the way some of these soldiers are. I was super scared when Brandon left. I had to leave it all in the Lords hands though. Praying for you this week lady! Keep your chin up!


Mom Went Crazy said...

I can't believe he's deploying soon. I hope all goes well for him on this tour. How long is it?

Paula & Skip said...

Being newly wed and new to his family and country, I just faced the deployment of my BIL. He is now a lager command in Afghanistan.I hardly know him, never had known anyone deployed. Yet ever since he flew out I have a hard time being calm.
Surely your concern and anxiety must be rocketing. Big warm hug.