Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My husband is from Texas (and Minnesota, but he only claims Texas). He wants to go back to Texas so bad, and the rest of the family who is anti-Texas wants to go anywhere else.

Tonight the husband was spouting off about the "Great State of Texas", so I started quizzing him about the state flower, song, tree, etc...
He decided to quiz me right back (after he got the most of them wrong or did not know).


Me: Armadillo!

Hubby: YES! Because Texas is the only state that has armadillos!

Me and the oldest son: OKLAHOMA! Oklahoma has armadillos!

Hubby: Only because they are passing through to get back to Texas!

Oldest son: What, do they go somewhere on vacation??

Hubby: Yes.

Either way, it has turned into a long shouting match of how great Texas is (his opinion), how big the ego's are of people from Texas (our opinion), and how many WONDERFUL things Texas has to offer...

Daughter: Mom?

Me: What?

Daughter: How come when you ask him a simple question he always goes into a long story?


I love my family.


Heather said...

Specifically, the nine-banded armadillo. Next question?

Personally, I think your husband sounds like a very smart man. Texas is obviously superior to everywhere else. And I'm definitely not biased on this matter. ;o)

Laura said...

Hahahaha! Funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what they say- Everything is bigger in Texas... including Texan's heads....

and their assholes are bigger too...


I blame Canada for this post- more specifically Manitoba- I live in the Canadian equivalent of Alabama... so yeah- even Texas doesn't sound that bad in comparison... but I'd still rather shoot myself in the foot than ever move to Texas...